Look, these types of meetings are never easy. I understand that our competitor lost revenue and prestige when the client decided to take a new direction. But that's business. Win some, lose some, right?
Consider how badly this one dumb move could hurt their business.
- The client will never again consider calling that agency.
- The client contacts present during the hand-off meeting won't ever call them into an agency review, when they invariably move on to their next gigs.
- I will never recommend this agency in instances where we might have a newbiz conflict.
- 50-odd PR people in the Boston market now consider this agency to have a "black mark" against it.
- They won't ever interview there as prospective employees.
- They won't ever think to invite that firm to compete for their business, if they ever take an in-house marketing post.
Burning bridges is bad business.
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